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We are no longer updating this page.
Thank you for your patience as we make this transition!
Mass Intentions
Please complete your parish form using your full name and phone number as the person requesting Mass Intentions.
Mass Intentions should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the desired date to accommodate printing deadlines.
Each regular Mass Intention costs $3.00 per date. Sanctuary Lamp Intentions cost $20.00 per candle. You can also choose to do both a Regular Mass Intention for a particular day and a Sanctuary Lamp for a full week beginning on the date you choose. Please indicate which type of intention you are asking for in the box provided.
When adding Intention Names, please indicate which anniversary it is for by following the instructions in the intention box. If the intention is not for an anniversary date, you do not have to type one.
Saint Hilary and Saint Anthony do not send Mass cards out; names are listed in our weekly bulletin on the dates requested.
Please order your Mass Intentions by date, from January through December, and specify the particular date.