corks & catholicism



Our website is moving to no later than May 2025.

We are no longer updating this page.

Thank you for your patience as we make this transition!

Spring/Summer 2024

  • Sainthood & The Path to Holiness

    We were so happy to have Fr. Patrick Riviere as our guest speaker along with our host, Fr. Bruce. Fr. Patrick taught us about the Church’s process of canonization of saints as well as how we can strive for holiness. He wrapped up with some of his favorite Saints. Enjoy! (no handout this time)

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary

    Fr. Mitch Semar spoke about our Blessed Mother to a packed house for Night 2 of Corks & Catholicism this semester. He shared lots of wonderful information abour Our Mother, specifically about Our Lady of Guadalupe. Check it out:

  • Angels & Demons

    Fr. Paul ended our summer semester of Corks & Catholicism with a bang! We learned so many geat things about the spiritual realm. If you like what you hear, stay tuned for our Fall Mission where Fr. Paul wil take an even deeper dive into this fascinating subject:

Fall 2023

  • Part I

    Our kickoff gathering! Fr. Bruce and Fr. Matthew teach us about the “why” behind our worship. They discussed Biblical and Jewish roots of the type of worship God has asked of us. Click the button below for the audio recording.

  • Part II

    Fr. Bruce and Fr. Matthew continue the teachings about worship by diving into the ministerial priesthood. They discuss why the Catholic church has priests and where in the Bible we can find the foundation of our belief in these shepherds. Click below for the audio.

  • Part III

    In the final gathering of the semester, Fr. Bruce and Fr. Matthew give a “show and tell” about all of the holy places and objects included in Catholic worship from the church architecture to the vestments the priests wear. Click below for audio.