Altar Servers
Altar Servers attend to supporting tasks at the altar, such as receiving and carrying vessels, ringing the altar bell, and assisting the priest. Any boy or girl who has made his or her First Communion can be trained as an altar server. Please call the Parish Office if your child is interested in serving.
This ministry is open to men 21 years of age or older who are in full communion with the Church. Acolytes assist priests at religious services, prepare the altar and the sacred vessels, and, if necessary, serve as Eucharistic Ministers. If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact the Parish Office to set up a meeting with Fr.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the ordinary ministers (priests, deacons, acolytes) in the distribution of Holy Communion. If you have prayerfully discerned a calling to become an Extraordinary Minister, please contact Sarah Matherne at the Parish Office.
Greeters are some of the first people that parishioners and guests see upon entering our parish, and so are called to be the face of Christ in a particular way. Ushers fulfill the particular duties of greeting parishioners and visitors, passing collection baskets, asking parishioners to bring up offertory gifts, and taking mass counts. If you are interested in becoming a Hospitality Minister, please contact Sarah Matherne at the Parish Office.
Lectors & Commentators
We are privileged to hear God speaking directly to us in the celebration of the Mass through his Holy Word. Lectors read the Mass readings and Commentators announce the welcome, petitions, and Mass announcements. If you are interested in being trained as a lector, commentator, or both, please contact Sarah Matherne at the Parish Office.
Under the direction of Ms. Hannah Arceneaux, music ministers enrich our prayer of praise in every liturgical celebration. Though the Eucharist is the most important focus of the Mass, music helps to lift our minds and souls to God and to help us to realize that He is truly present with us. If you are interested in joining the Music Ministry, please contact Hannah.